On The Same Page

15 08 2017

I’ve been thinking a lot about the title phrase…”On the same page.” We use it when we want to be sure someone understands what we are saying. We use it to verify the requirements for a project or task. “Are we all on the same page?” In other words, “Does everyone understand the expectations?” That’s a really good question to ask.

One place that we ask this question (and we should often) is in a marriage relationship. We’re all familiar with the verse in Genesis that refers to this. “That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.” Hmmmm,…one flesh. Normally we think about this in only one area of the relationship. But could there be more? I think there can. We should be on the same page in all parts of that relationship. We should agree on financial matters. We should agree on household matters. We should agree on how to raise the kids. The list could go on and on. Sure, we’ll disagree on somethings but we should be willing to get to the place where we have a mutual understanding and agreement on what affects life and the marriage. Whew…that gives us something to think about huh? But can this go even further? While we’re asking the question for our marriage why don’t we ask it for our other, most important relationship? The one we have with our Heavenly Father.

Many, if not most, of us rarely consider whether we’re on the same page with God. We live like He says we should. We do what He asks of us (most of the time). We go to church and even serve some weekends there. But is that really being on the same page with Him? What if there’s more to it than that? Please don’t misunderstand me. I’m not saying that doing all of these things is wrong. There are times, though, we get into a routine and slowly, methodically — without thinking about it — push God into the margins of our life…all while doing the very things He asks of us. Before we know it we feel a million miles away from God and we’re definitely not on the same page. So how do we fix this? How do we continually stay on the same page while doing life? Here are a few things that you can do (simple things really) that can help. While they may seem simple and basic; sometimes we need to get back to the basics.

1. Pray. Just like any good marriage doesn’t survive without communication…our relationship with God won’t survive without it either. Simply put…talk to God. Tell Him your hopes and dreams. Tell Him your hurts and pains. Tell Him your frustrations. Ask for His help (it really is ok to ask). You might be thinking, “God already knows all this stuff.” You’re right…He does. But the conversation isn’t as much for God as it is for us. He already knows all of the things that are going on in life. It helps us to put words to them though.

2. Read the Bible. God already gave us a lot of good things to do in life. They are contained in His Word. He wouldn’t have given it to us if it wasn’t important. A lot of the basics (and some of the not-so-basics) are right in black and white (and red) letters for us to read. So go ahead and read them. Then apply them.

3. Go to church. There’s nothing like doing life with a group of people that love God and help and support each other. It helps us to have someone ‘with skin on’ in our corner; someone that will laugh with us and cry with us. Yes we receive the Word of God there but it’s more than that. Don’t underestimate the time spent with a church family. They help keep you and God on the same page too.

Life is hard enough without causing trouble for ourselves. We need to learn that we have a part in our relationship with God. Just a few little things done on a regular basis will keep us “On The Same Page” with God. When we’re there…life is good indeed.



One response

2 11 2019
Nancy Ruegg

Important wisdom here, Jeff. Isn’t God amazing, inviting us to be on the same page (of camaraderie, purpose, joy, etc.) with HIM?!

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